Reining in Success: How ArthramidVet Keeps Deary Performance Horses at the Top

At the 2024 Run For A Million, the richest event in reining history, the Deary family of Deary Performance Horses once again demonstrated why they are among the elite in the Western performance world.

Casey Deary, a newly signed Brand Ambassador for ArthramidVet qualified for a spot in the main event and secured an impressive 4th place finish on Down Right Amazing. But the Deary legacy didn’t stop there—his sons, Wyatt and Owen, each won championships in their respective divisions, while his daughter, Joy, made a strong showing in her division. The Deary family’s achievements are a testament to their dedication, skill, and the exceptional care they provide to their horses.

Less than a week after their successes a Run For A Million, Wyatt and “Newt” (CHICSDUNDREAMIN) went Champion again at the 100x Shows TRHA Green Reiner L2 Shootout in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

At the heart of their success is a deep belief in the importance of maintaining the health and comfort of their equine athletes, young and old. For the Dearys, this is where ArthramidVet plays a crucial role. Casey Deary himself has seen firsthand the transformative power of this product.

“He (Newt) was getting some age on him and starting to be a little uncomfortable. So we kind of had to limit where we took him. But he was continually getting more and more uncomfortable. And so we felt like we were kind of coming to the end of Newt again.” Casey shared. “So I had Dr. Fluitt come by and look at Newt and he basically gave him an overhaul. He went through and injected several places on that horse and it really is a miracle. That horse was not supposed to come back, but to come here and do what you did the last two days on a 17 year old gelding that is supposed to have been retired multiple times it’s a miracle I mean there’s and there’s no doubt in my mind that if Dr. Fluitt hadn’t put that in him yeah he wouldn’t be running on all four tires like he is now”

This remarkable turnaround wasn’t just a one-off experience for Casey and his team. The Dearys rely on ArthramidVet to keep their horses feeling their best, whether they’re preparing for a competition or simply maintaining their daily routines.

“You can only do so much on the outside. And I can tell, when he hasn’t been injected in a while, I can feel he gets rougher and he starts feeling like he’s 17” Explains Wyatt. But we got him injected before we came here, and the first day back, I could tell, like, right away, he felt like a brand new horse again. Yeah. It’s cool to watch, and he obviously loves his job and he did a fantastic job of it”.

The Dearys invest heavily in the health and soundness of their horses, working closely with multiple veterinarians to ensure they are in peak condition. ArthramidVet has become an integral part of their regimen, offering a level of comfort and performance that goes beyond traditional care methods.

“Half the job in the barn is just taking care of them—probably more than that,” Casey noted. “You spend more time ensuring they’re healthy than you do actually riding them. Having a product like ArthramidVet on our team strengthens everything we do.”

As the Deary family continues to succeed in the world of reining, their partnership with ArthramidVet ensures that their horses remain healthy, happy, and ready to perform at their best.




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