As a cutting edge treatment, ArthramidVet is trusted by owners, veterinary professionals, and trainers. Hear authentic stories from the experts who advocate the success of ArthramidVet. Ready to share your own experiences? Contact us today!
Testimonials from Owners
Stephanie Tierney
I was introduced to Arthramid Vet by my veterinarian. I find it to be a very safe, effective and long-lasting treatment and it is well received by the horses.”
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Stephanie Tierney
“I was introduced to Arthramid Vet by my veterinarian. I find it to be a very safe, effective and long-lasting treatment and it is well received by the horses. I’ve experienced in my horses a quick improvement in appetite and attitude and an increase in their willingness to work & perform. I put that down to the progressive pain relief and the fact that they are starting to feel strong again in the legs. I highly recommend Arthramid Vet to restore the performance and quality of life of racehorses.”
I was introduced to Arthramid Vet by my veterinarian. I find it to be a very safe, effective and long-lasting treatment and it is well received by the horses.”
Mike Moroney
We have used Arthramid Vet in Sound after his Spring campaign in 2019, what delighted me the most is that his joints have never looked better.”
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Mike Moroney
“We have used Arthramid Vet in Sound after his Spring campaign in 2019. What delighted me the most is that when treated early in the preparation Arthramid maintained his soundness throughout multiple arduous training and racing campaigns and his joints have never looked better. Welfare in racing is paramount in this current environment so by waiving the need to use cortisone and avoiding risks of its adverse effects I have more confidence in keeping my horse’s sound. From a training perspective I am getting more races into a campaign and stronger performances through to the end, it’s fantastic for my horses, my owners and my team.”
We have used Arthramid Vet in Sound after his Spring campaign in 2019, what delighted me the most is that his joints have never looked better.”
Josh Parker
I’ve had nothing but successful outcomes since with Arthramid Vet. ”
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Josh Parker
We tried Arthramid Vet a few years ago, in the early stages of its development. We had a 6-year-old warmblood showjumper that was frequently lame in its near hind fetlock. We’d been trying to manage him with cortisone but with limited success. X-rays had shown up an OCD lesion so we had that removed surgically and treated him with Arthramid. Within 2 weeks he was completely sound and stayed sound over a successful competitive season. When he went a little off again in the same fetlock in his early preparation about 12 months later we went straight back in with Arthramid and the horse has never looked back. I’ve had nothing but successful outcomes since with Arthramid Vet. In my opinion, to help manage performance horses, the use of Arthramid to rebuild and strengthen affected joints is a better option than repetitive treatments of corticosteroids that don’t resolve the initial cause of the lameness.
I’ve had nothing but successful outcomes since with Arthramid Vet. ”
Testimonials from Clinical Practice
Dr Marcus Allan
Arthramid has been a great option for horse owners of all levels to provide effective osteoarthritis management.”
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Dr Marcus Allan
I manage horses that compete in a variety of disciplines and with the owner abilities ranging from novice to professional. As such, owner expectations vary markedly for managing the joint disease their horse may have. For example, cases of osteoarthritis typically seen can be early onset or be chronic in nature, and ranging from mild to severe. Patient age can be as young as 3 to over 20, and suffering from other disease processes such as endocrine issues. Managing client expectations is a challenge and an art. Finding the best solution for the client is the intended outcome and is not always easy to achieve.
Arthramid Vet enables me to effectively manage joints that have mild, moderate or severe osteoarthritic changes for a prolonged period of time and with very little chance of having an adverse reaction, even in those patients with other disease processes occurring concurrently. This provides peace of mind for the owner and myself. It also works out to be financially viable in the long-term. Arthramid has been a great option for horse owners of all levels to provide effective osteoarthritis management.
The longevity of effect and owner perception of arthramid not being a bioactive drug, are by far the biggest benefits. I would definitely recommend Arthramid Vet.
Arthramid has been a great option for horse owners of all levels to provide effective osteoarthritis management.”
Dr Marc Koene
I was one of the first vets to use Arthramid worldwide and the results are quite astonishing.”
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Dr Marc Koene
I was one of the first vets to use Arthramid worldwide and have now used Arthramid for over 10 years in our clinic. We have injected over a thousand horses and have found it to be very safe. It has been a major game-changer in the way we treat OA in our patients. We have fantastic results with really frustrating cases and are still working on new indications and treatment schemes for the product. We are also looking into the ongoing research, especially around the Mode of Action.
There are not many “new” products implemented in our OA Toolbox in recent years. Regenerative medicine and Bisphosphonates were the greatest new assets and I rate Arthramid Vet in the same league. 2.5% PAAG gives us the chance to minimize corticosteroids and we have no threats of “doping positive “ cases. As well, some horses, instead of being destroyed, are happily back in business. I would encourage every orthopaedic vet to try the product. They will love it, if their case selection is appropriate.
I was one of the first vets to use Arthramid worldwide and the results are quite astonishing.”
Dr Kim McKeller
I have now been using Arthramid Vet for years treating TB’s, SB’s and equestrian horses. It’s simply the best treatment we have for arthritis.”
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Dr Kim McKeller
I have been using Arthramid Vet for more than 5 years treating thoroughbreds, standardbreds and equestrian horses. 90 % of my work is lameness identification and treatment. I have injected over 600 joints with Arthramid Vet and I have experienced no side affects.
I have used all the alternative joint treatments over the last 50 years and consider Arthramid with or without triamcinolone superior to all other treatments. 85 % of my thoroughbred lameness localises to the intercarpal joint. If we are treating early cases before severe bone changes have occurred we will achieve long term reduction of joint inflammation. I have been using it as prophylactic in some stables. If we have major bone changes I add triamcinolone as required. I have used Arthramid Vet in Fetlocks, TMT, Coffin, Pastern and stifle joints.In the gliding joints it is a superb product with spectacular results. In my experience joint pain on flexion is gone in 2 weeks and usually lameness markedly reduced but the maximum result is not achieved for 6 weeks. In summary Arthramid Vet is a very valuable treatment option and is my first port of call for all lamenesses involving non septic joint inflammation
I have now been using Arthramid Vet for years treating TB’s, SB’s and equestrian horses. It’s simply the best treatment we have for arthritis.”
Dr Florent David
I was one of the first vets to use Arthramid worldwide and the results are quite astonishing.”
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Dr Florent David
I have been using Arthramid Vet for five years. I see lame horses that I qualify as “non-responders”. The diagnosis/localisation of pain is accurate on those cases, but they do not respond to rest, and corticosteroids +/- HA intrasynovial. These represent my biggest challenge. Arthramid Vet is often of great help on those cases in association with orthopaedic shoeing, magnetic diathermy and a revisited exercise program to regain and maintain soundness.
The second set of cases that represent a challenge are horses presented with poor performance. They are not genuinely lame, but several sites in their body including joints show signs of wear and tear. This accumulation of stress is associated with the athletic activity they perform and also to some individual predispositions to injury (poor conformation, overweight, lack of repair capacities). On these cases, Arthramid Vet for its long duration of action can help.
The third group of horses I see as a challenge are diagnosed with soft tissue injuries within synovial structures (tendon sheath, bursa or joint). In general, the body responds poorly to healing those lesions. It is still unclear to me if Arthramid Vet can help to return some of these horses to soundness when unsatisfactory healing of intrasynovial soft tissue has occurred.
Arthramid Vet is a very potent and very safe drug to use, and I recommend it to my clients and other vets. Arthramid Vet should be in the therapeutic toolbox of any equine veterinarian. I see Arthramid Vet as a solution with great potential, and more work is needed to refine its use.
I was one of the first vets to use Arthramid worldwide and the results are quite astonishing.”
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