Dream was a 2-year-old Thoroughbred in full race training that started to resent being ridden and over space of 4 weeks developed swelling of the left fore fetlock.
Physical examination found the horse to be 3/5 lame in the left fore, with the fetlock being swollen and resentful to flexion. Diagnostic analgesia confirmed the fetlock as the source of lameness, and subsequent radiographs identified a sharp spur on the dorsoproximal medial aspect of the long pastern bone, within the fetlock joint, which is indicative of osteoarthritis.
Treatment and Outcome:
2ml of ArthramidVet® was injected into the joint and the horse was then rested for 48 hours before commencing an ascending exercise program over two weeks to return to a full exercise regime. Over the space of four weeks, the clinical signs dissipated with the horse no longer showing lameness and trialled and raced successfully over 12 months. An additional 2ml dose was injected into the left fore fetlock just over 12 months after the initial treatment as a subtle weakness in performance signs of resentment to training recurred. Since the second dose Dream has been in full training and racing for over 18 months without recurrence of clinical signs.